Cut Flower Stock Quartet Pastel Trial Seedling Pack
Matthiola Incana
Cut Flower Quartet Pastel Stock seedlings, grown in Marlborough by Gray Floral, shipping NZ wide.
We are always trialling new varieties for the cutting garden, and as usual my eyes have been too big for my trial patch! We have grown a beautiful trial crop of the Stock Quartet Pastel, which is a branching stock. It is a mix of pastel colours however as we have not yet grown it out - these seedlings are offered as a Trial Pack only - you'll have to learn to best grow them alongside us! No flowering picture is available until we have grown this ourselves. You'll have to trust us that this might be a new gem!
Quartet stock require pinching once the central stem begins to flower so that the side stems will develop creating a beautiful spray of flowers. We will be sure to let you know via socials when we are doing this so you can follow along.
If white butterfly are still flitting about in your garden you may want to protect your seedlings - caterpillars love stock, though now it is starting to cool we are seeing a lot less of them about.
We recommend providing some support for your stock to get lovely straight stems and prevent wind topple, especially as they get tall and close to flowering.
Pack of 6 Stock Quartet Pastel Plants
Standard NZ shipping included. If you are rural, please select the rural option at checkout to avoid delays in processing your order.
Height: 40cm+
Spacing: As a one cut, you can pack your stock in quite tightly, around 10cm spacing, or up to 20cm.
Harvest: When 1/2 to 1/3 of the florets have opened. Cut right to the base of the stem.
Vase life: 7 days
All our seedlings are grown in a custom cut flower mix which contains Trichoderma to assist in healthy root development and resistance to root pathogens. To give your seedlings the best start in your garden we recommend soaking them in a weak seaweed feed (or one of our "Seedling Shots") before planting.
We are proud to be partnering with Sustaina Grow to package our seedlings in a wool wrap that maintains moisture and protects the seedlings in transit. On arrival, take your plants out of the box and give them a good drink of water - you can leave them wrapped in the wool to do this! When you're ready to plant or pot on you can unwrap the seedlings, but they will happily spend a couple of days in their wool blanket before planting.
This wool liner makes a wonderful mulch mat that can be used with your seedlings or around any plant in your garden. Everything apart from labels (which we hope you'll use in the garden and time and time again) and stickers are compostable, in an effort to keep our shipping sustainable for the environment.
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